Rongan actively participates in public welfare and charity activities, has established "Rongan Charity Fund for Poverty Alleviation" in Central and Western China and underdeveloped areas of Zhejiang Province through cooperating with charity federation at all the levels, involving a total fund scale of more than CNY 7 million; In 2008, Rongan was the first enterprise of Ningbo City which made donations to Wenchuan earthquake stricken areas, involving accumulated donations of over CNY 2.3 million.
In 2002, Rongan took over Ningbo Mingzhou Specialized College from Ningbo Charity Federation and renamed it Ningbo Rongan Experimental Senior Middle School and input over CNY 100 million and finally enabled a charity school on the verge of closure to become one of the most popular private schools of Ningbo City, receiving wide praise from the society. At the same time, the company established Ningbo Rongan Xianhe Education Foundation which spends CNY 400,000 yearly on helping students in their study and people who suffer from poverty.
Since 2007, Rongan has sponsored annual Rongan Cup Juvenile Art Festival and actively cared for quality education of juveniles. Today, Rongan Cup has become one of the important painting and calligraphy competitions of juveniles of Ningbo City and has great significance and high reputation in the society; Besides, the company also undertakes Ningbo Chess A-League consecutively to support development of the sports cause of the mass.
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